1) Maxwell's Equations: Very easy Shortcut method / mnemonic trick to arrive at Maxwell's equations by modified thermodynamic square or Guggenheim quadrat schema or Born square. This video presentation is prepared by V. Aditya vardhan, www.adichemistry.com. Useful for CSIR NET GATE Chemistry exam. Equally useful to IIT JAM and SET exams.
2) Jahn-Teller distortion: Animated video presentation on Jahn-Teller Distortion Theorem. Thorough explanation of Z-in & Z-out distortions in octahedral complexes ; static & dynamic distortions with examples are presented in a simple language using animations.
3) Aromaticity: Unexpected high stability and resistance to electrophilic addition reactions shown by a few cyclic unsaturated compounds. They undergo electrophilic substitution rather than addition. Find more in this video with plenty of examples. It is part of free online coaching for CSIR NET Chemical sciences and GATE Chemistry exams. Also useful for students who would like to get top rank in IIT JEE and IIT JAM exams.
4.1) Spinels - Video-1: Types and crystal structures of normal & inverse spinels are discussed. Most of your doubts are cleared once you go through the animation part of this video presentation.
4.2) Spinels - Video-2: Simple shortcut tricks to find whether a spinel is normal or inverse.
5.1) Wilkinson's catalyst - Video-1: A quick introduction and applications of Wilkinson's catalyst for CSIR NET GATE Chemistry.
5.2) Wilkinson's catalyst - Video-2: Mechanism of Wilkinson's catalysis is explained.
6) Ionic Strength: The concept of ionic strength explained through solved problems.
7) Ground state term symbols: How to derive ground state atomic term symbol for atom or ion? Easy method explained by Aditya vardhan. V, AdiChemistry for CSIR NET CHEMISTRY, GATE, IIT JAM & other university level exams.
8) Types of Boranes - Carboranes: A very simple shortcut trick formula to get the type of borane or carborane and inorganic cluster compounds with cages structure, using Wade-Mingo's rules by AdiChemistry.
9) Radial probability distribution curves - Quantum mechanics: The probability of finding the electron within the spherical shell enclosed between a sphere of radius 'r + dr' and a sphere of radius "r' from the nucleus is called radial probability. The radial distribution curve gives an idea about the electron density at a radial distance from the nucleus.
10) Bond order-Simple trick: Find the bond order of diatomic molecules and ionic species very easily in 10 seconds by using this simple trick/formula from molecular orbital theory. Bond order of O2, O2+, O2-, N2, N2+, N2-, CO, NO etc.
11) pH value of mixture of acid base solutions: A very simple shortcut trick to get the pH value of a mixture of equal volumes of acid/base solutions. By Aditya vardhan, Adichemistry.
12) Ni(CO)4, [Ni(CN)4]2- and [NiCl4]2- Structure - Hybridization - Magnetic behavior: Explained using valence bond theory (vbt). c. The dsp2 hybridization in coordination compounds, square planar shape, geometry of nickel complexes are dealt with in this video presenation.
More to come...................